(see: lorenzo's oil)
(see: lorenzo's oil/@justin mcleod)
he is an ald patient who died exactly 3 years ago today at his home in fairfax, virginia, one day after his birthday, next to his father augusto and his lifelong oumouri.
his full name is (as his father insists on in the movie) lorenzo michael murphy odone.
lorenzo odone
lorenzo odone
lorenzo odone
(see: lorenzo's oil)
lorenzo odone
(see: lorenzo's oil/@justin mcleod)
lorenzo odone
he is an ald patient who died exactly 3 years ago today at his home in fairfax, virginia, one day after his birthday, next to his father augusto and his lifelong oumouri.
lorenzo odone
his full name is (as his father insists on in the movie) lorenzo michael murphy odone.